THERE was an excellent turnout for the first meeting of the new session of the West Kilbride SWI.

President Alison Bauzys welcomed the members and introduced the speaker, Anne Morrison, who spoke about the different types of yoga and took the ladies through a few movements.

She emphasised the importance of mental attitude and breathing in yoga.

After Anne’s talk, Carol Bayliss gave her a well deserved vote of thanks and asked Anne to judge the competitions.

(Image: West Kilbride SWI)

The results were as follows: Humorous Get Well Card: 1 Isobel Weatherall, 2. Loraine Corrigan, 3. Anne Moiser Yoghurt Loaf: 1. Betty Fenwick. 2. Loraine Corrigan. Fun Item Beginning with “s”: 1. Lizbeth Thomson. 2. Betty Fenwick, 3.Sheila Plimby.

After tea, the secretary updated members on events at the Ayrshire Federation and reminded them that they should bring donations for the Blythswood Shoebox Appeal to the next meeting on Wednesday, October 16. Standard sized shoe boxes covered with Christmas paper are needed.

A list of the items required to fill the shoe boxes can be found here. Donations of money are also acceptable.

Tickets for the Fashion Show on November 8 will be on sale at the next meeting when the speaker will be Sandy McWhirter who will give a talk on Bletchley Park.