HAVE you ever wondered why Ardrossan's Castle Hill is affectionately known to many residents as the Cannon Hill?

After all, there have been no sign of any cannons on the hill in most local people's lifetimes.

But right up until World War II there were indeed three cannons on the hilltop .

And now the Ardrossan Castle Heritage Society want to bring them back. And they are planning fundraising events to reinstate one of the weapons to the hill.

(Image: Ardrossan Castle Heritage Society) Society chair Alison Montgomery said: "There were indeed cannons on the hill, three in total which were placed there by the Earl of Eglinton, whose family took ownership of the Castle from 1357, when the last Baron of Ardrossan, Godfrey de Ardrossan died and his female heir married Eglinton of Eglinton.

"The same lady’s daughter afterwards married a Montgomerie of Eaglesham, who then took ownership of both the Eglinton and Ardrossan estates.

(Image: Ardrossan Castle Heritage Society) "The cannons were fired each year to celebrate the Earl of Eglinton’s birthday until one year the cannon backfired, killing the person firing it.

"The cannons remained on the hill until the beginning of the Second World War when they were removed for their metal to be reused in the war effort."

Alison added: "The cannons were popular for family photoshoots and many people enjoyed visiting them on the hill, hence why it affectionately became known as Cannon Hill.

"Of course, the true answer to the question is that is officially called Castle Hill, as there was a castle there long before there were any cannons present."

(Image: Ardrossan Castle Heritage Society)

Ardrossan Castle Heritage Society would now like to reinstate a cannon or cannons back onto the hill.

Alison said: "This would once again bring visitors to the hill and give a new generation  the chance to get their photos taken with the cannons, continuing on the tradition of the hill affectionately being known as Cannon Hill.

"To achieve this ACHS will be holding various fundraisers beginning with a Ceilidh for Cannons featuring the amazing Borland Ceilidh band on St Andrews night Saturday, November 30 in Ardrossan Civic Centre at 7pm.

"Tickets will be £10 each and includes a supper of Kandy Bar pie and beans.

"Tickets are on sale in various venues throughout the town or you can contact us on our Ardrossan Castle Heritage Society Facebook page to arrange collection.

"Venues selling tickets include: Seahorse Book Store, Rendezvous, Moka, Ayrshire Grooming Salon, Charlies Bar and the Cheery Cup.

"Some local businesses have already pledged donations to the raffle but we are still looking for more, and if anyone has any photos or any stories passed down from parents or grandparents about the cannons we would love to hear from you."