A STEVENSTON man has been nominated as a Local Hero by a North Ayrshire MSP.

Cunninghame South's Ruth Maguire decided to honour Ian Cassidy for making a positive difference to the lives of others by helping to clean around the Stevenston area, transforming it back to its natural beauty.

She said: “As the Scottish Parliament marks its 25th anniversary, it’s right that the people of Scotland are placed at the heart of our events.

"Together with my fellow MSPs, we want to celebrate the achievements of our Local Heroes from across every constituency and region in Scotland.

“Ian’s work is truly inspirational. A familiar face around the beach in Stevenson, Ian is out at the beach every day helping to clean up litter.

"Not only does Ian help to clean up his local community, but he has also inspired the younger generation, who have been following his example by cleaning their own local areas, with the hope of earning medals, certificates, and wristband awards.”

The nomination came after all 129 MSPs were invited to nominate a constituent who makes a positive difference to the lives of others as their ‘local hero’.

All nominees will attend a special ceremony event to mark the 25th anniversary of The Scottish Parliament on Saturday, September 28.