NORTH Ayrshire Council has announced plans to cap the P1 intake at a Saltcoats school from next year.

In order to prevent Mayfield Primary from going over capacity, it is proposed that the annual Primary 1 intake will be capped at 25 from August 2025.

With a significant number of new houses being constructed nearby, there is expected to be additional demand for places at Mayfield in future years.

Under the new criteria – to be considered by the council’s cabinet tomorrow (Tuesday, October 1) - priority will be given to children who live within the catchment area of the school, in Kenilworth Drive.

The proposals have been put forward to ensure there are sufficient spaces for local children to attend Mayfield Primary in the years to come.

The plan is to limit the intake to 25 children for P1 each session, leading to a seven-class structure for the school, leaving room for the roll to expand in future years to accommodate catchment-area children from the new homes.

Many of the children from outwith the catchment area attended Mayfield Primary Early Years class and parents/carers have then opted to apply to keep their child at the school for their P1-7 education.

With a new 280-home development currently being constructed nearby, it became clear that the move would be required to ensure there are sufficient places for catchment area children in future years.

Councillor Shaun Macaulay, cabinet member for education and young people, said: “It’s clear that we have to start planning now to ensure there is sufficient capacity for children in the Mayfield catchment area in the years ahead.

“As the new homes are built and more families move into the area, the intake at Mayfield Primary will rise and place demands on the school roll.

“The proposal to limit the P1 intake to 25 is a sensible approach, protecting school spaces for catchment-area children to be educated at their local school.”

If approved by cabinet, school spaces will be allocated in line with current policy, with priority given to children with home addresses within the catchment area.