HUNDREDS of people turned out to the inaugural meeting of Save Ardrossan Harbour earlier this week.

There was plenty of positive discussions, as well as a number of questions raised for those stakeholders who have influence on the decision making process.

In light of the meeting, those very people have provided reaction and response after seeing the immense frustrations aired at the Ardrossan Civic Centre.

Amongst those in attendance was local MSP Kenneth Gibson - who has called for all involved parties to come together to provide clarity.

(Image: Scottish Parliament)

He said: “The turnout and passionate contributions from the community at last night’s meeting shows just how important the harbour is to everyone in Ardrossan.

“For 190 years, Ardrossan has hosted a ferry sailing to Arran in one form or another. Ardrossan Harbour is not just a port; it is a key pillar of the town and its economy.

“Seven years on from the decision to retain Ardrossan and patience is wearing thin as a single shovel is yet to hit the ground. The community has been left in the dark.

“The has to end and I’m pushing the Scottish Government, North Ayrshire Council and Peel to bring the long-delayed business case to light and lay out a clear and transparent plan for the redevelopment if this strategic local asset.”

Another politician in attendance was North Ayrshire and Arran's new MP Irene Campbell - who offered her commitment to the campaign.

(Image: Staff)

She commented: "It was vital that I attended last night’s meeting not just as the Member of Parliament for North Ayrshire and Arran but as a local person who knows the value and importance of having our ferry terminal in Ardrossan. It would be devastating to lose our ferry to Troon.

"I cannot believe that jobs and an infrastructure would be taken away from Ardrossan a town that is considered to be one of the most deprived areas in the region and be moved to an area of affluence.

"I know that the main focus of last night’s meeting was to Save Ardrossan Harbour however, the contributions from Arran residents was much welcomed with confirmation that their preference is for the ferry to remain at Ardrossan.  

"It is a shorter sailing time, with transport links to Glasgow, local health care services and more. The whole situation is unacceptable and a rapid solution must be found.

"I thought the meeting went very well and the high attendance at the meeting demonstrated that the community is definitely behind the campaign. I fully support the campaign and will do as much as I can in my role as MP to help find a rapid solution."

While new Arran councillor Charles Currie, who joined the meeting remotely, echoed calls for decision makers to do more.

(Image: North Ayrshire Labour)

He said: "I was heartened to see the massive turnout last night as the fixture of Ardrossan Harbour as Arran's mainland port is vital to the island. There has been too much prevarication on the part of the Scottish Government in resolving the issues concerning  the facilities at the harbour and the remedial actions required to ensure the future use by ferries. 

"The lack of investment  by the owners over the last twenty years has led to the present problem from pier infrastructure and the maintenance of the harbour entrance by not dredging the basin. 

"The attendance last night demonstrates to strength of feeling in the support of this public asset and its future as a vital transport hub, not just for the people of Arran but also for the three towns and the broader Ayrshire community. 

"I congratulate  the organisers for taking the initiative to discuss this at the public meeting and move the problem higher up on the agenda and I hope that the Scottish Government will recognise that they have to work now to find a long term solution for the harbour that will satisfy the demand for this vital transport link and preservation of this asset to Ardrossan's infrastructure. 

"I look forward to contributing to the next stages in working with the group to keep the Ardrossan Harbour restoration to provide a facility that is fit for purpose."

Amongst those who will be key in the progress of any works at the harbour is Peel Ports - who own the facility.

(Image: NAC)

While their willingness to complete work at the harbour came into question, with one attendee asking "when profits became more important than people", they looked to state their "full commitment" to the port.

A spokesperson commented: “The ongoing cancellations, delays, and uncertainty are devastating for the people and businesses of Arran and Ardrossan.

“Peel Ports remains fully committed to the original Port redevelopment programme and is ready to begin the public procurement process once the ministerial taskforce approves the revised business case.

“In the meantime, Ardrossan Harbour continues to operate safely and effectively, with no recent cancellations at the Arran berth due to maintenance, aside from scheduled repairs for vessel damage.”

The company, who say they have spent £2million on redevelopment work already, also called on the Scottish Government to do more to speed the process along.

Transport Scotland say this work is underway, and will be completed "as quickly as practicable".

A spokesperson explained: “The Scottish Government remains committed to ensuring the Arran ferry service is fit for the future, and to find a solution at Ardrossan that can be delivered in a cost-effective way reflecting the needs of all partners involved.

“We acknowledge the call for a commitment to Ardrossan and absolutely understand the views of the communities in favour of retaining Ardrossan as the mainland port and this has been laid out in the draft business case accordingly.

"The business case work and overall delivery of the project needs to be supported by the financial packages from each of the main funding partners.

"It is imperative therefore that these and the legal agreements are clearly defined, are affordable and ensures value to the public purse. The business case is substantially complete, and project partners continue to work on this as quickly as practicable.

“A meeting of the task force will be reconvened soon after the business case and cost exercise review has been submitted to ministers for a decision.”