A SALTCOATS man has been handed a chance to avoid time behind bars.

Sheriff Colin Bissett handed Donald McQueen the opportunity when the 44-year-year-old appeared at Kilmarnock Sheriff Court on Wednesday, October 9.

McQueen, of Kerr Avenue, attended the hearing to be sentenced after previously pleading guilty to a pair of similar charges.

He first made admissions to, on December 15 last year, attempting to force open the door of a stationary motor vehicle on Argyle Road - doing so with the intent to steal from said vehicle.

A second charge details that on July 9 this year he was found within the curtilage of a property on Springvale place without lawful authority to be there - so that in all the circumstances it may be reasonable inferred that he did intend to commit theft there.

Defending, McQueen's solicitor Graeme Cunningham explained that Sheriff Bissett had deferred sentence on the last occasion so that up-to-date background reports could be obtained.

He commented that the contents of these reports, which were now available, highlighted the 44-year-old's issues with "significant substance misuse".

Before sentence was passed, he noted that McQueen was highlighted as someone who was potentially suitable for a Drug Treatment and Testing Order (DTTO).

These orders focus on drug treatment as the primary means of reducing offending behaviour - combining this was random testing and regular court reviews to monitor progress.

Mr Cunningham asked that the Sheriff delay sentence further so that a full report could be prepared to see if McQueen was suitable for such an order.

Sheriff Bissett commented that he had "some concerns" over this - given the Saltcoats man's attitude towards his offending behaviour as well as his repeated issues with attending court appointments.

However, the Sheriff agreed to defer sentence to a later date to allow this report to be gathered - adding that he did so "with some hesitation".

He commented: “You have a serious and persistent problem with the misuse of drugs.

“You have made a complete nuisance of yourself and been brought before the court a number of times over the years. It needs to stop.”

McQueen will return to court next month and was granted bail until this time.