GROUPS of fire-raising youths have once again returned to Ardrossan ahead of bonfire night.

A concerned resident remarked that "Guy Fawkes has started early" as the 'gangs' started setting items alight on the grass area adjacent to Central Avenue and Queen's Drive.

The area has been the target of similar incidents over a number of years - including just 12 months ago.

Ahead of bonfire night last year, the area's station commander pleaded for the groups to desist after fire crews were attacked when they were called out to the park on numerous occasions.

While no crew members were injured as a result of the attacks an appliance had to be removed from operational availability due to damage sustained.

Similar attacks took place in 2021, when the fire service was called out 22 times to deliberate fires set on the streets.

On a number of occasions, residents of the surrounding area have told of "living in fear" around this time of year.

And a number of them are now concerned that despite the best efforts of the emergency services and North Ayrshire Council, 2024 will be no different.

With bonfire night still weeks away, police and fire crews have already been called out on several occasions - often multiple times in the same night - with the groups 'scattering' once they arrive.

They are now pleading with those involved to respect emergency workers, and local people, during this time.

Scottish Fire and Rescue Service group commander Colin McKenna said: “On Wednesday, October 16, one appliance attended Queen’s Drive, Ardrossan at 6.25pm to respond to reports of a bonfire.

“At 8.19pm on the same evening, one appliance was mobilised to Central Avenue, Ardrossan to extinguish a bonfire.

“No casualties were reported at either incident.

"Ahead of bonfire night, which is one of the busiest periods for our firefighters, we would strongly advise the public to attend organised events wherever possible.

“To keep safe, people should always follow the fireworks code and please respect our crews who are working to protect communities.”

Police Scotland say they will be stepping up patrols in the area in a bid to bring the behaviour to a halt.

Inspector Michael Cowan said: “Deliberately starting fires is both reckless and dangerous.

“We are aware of issues of fires in the Central Avenue area of Ardrossan and are working alongside the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service to ensure this type of behaviour is stopped.

“Additional patrols will be in the area over the coming weeks and anyone with any information or concerns can speak to officers or contact police on 101.”

North Ayrshire Council have been approached for comment.