NORTH Ayrshire Council is calling on older people to speak up about what they would like to see happening in their communities.

A series of Older People’s Voice Network sessions are being held in each of the six Locality areas.

These offer people aged 50 and over an opportunity to:

  • Share opinions that could help shape the work of the Council
  • Learn about activities and events in their area
  • Ensure older people have a voice and their views are respected and
  • Make new friends and build relationships.

Two representatives from each locality also attend the annual Older People's Voice Network Conference, which takes place later this year and is jointly planned and hosted by the council’s Community Learning and Development team and locality workers.

Georganna Bryden, 59, and Rodger Walker, 79, have attended previous meetings and are encouraging others to join in.

They are both members of the Discovery Award group for over-50s at Vennel Gardens sheltered housing complex in Irvine, which helps people combat isolation, learn new skills and enjoy social occasions together.

The Discovery Group hand over their cheque to MacmillanThe Discovery Group hand over their cheque to Macmillan (Image: NAC) The Discovery Group recently hosted a MacMillan Coffee morning that was open to the local community and raised an impressive £650.

Georganna said: “I would, absolutely, encourage other people over 50 to come along to the Older People’s Voice Network.

“When I attended the last Network meeting, it was great to find out more about Irvine Seniors’ Forum – which I didn’t know much about. I also found out about all the different activities that are happening locally.”

Rodger, who is vice chairman of Irvine Seniors’ Forum and is a member of Irvine Community Council, added: “The Network is great because it allows people across North Ayrshire to see what is happening in their own area.

“It helps you to meet new people, make friends and talk about matters locally. The more people who come along, the better!”

Council Leader Marie Burns, older people’s champion for North Ayrshire, says ensuring older residents are heard is paramount.

She said: “It is vital that older people in our communities don’t feel isolated and know that their views are valued. As a local authority, we are determined that everyone – regardless of their age - has the opportunity to contribute to the work we do.

“I would encourage anyone over 50 to attend a Network session in their Locality and share their opinions on issues that matter to them,” said Councillor Burns.

Network meetings in Irvine are held bi-monthly and the inaugural event in August was well attended.

The next Irvine Older People’s Voice Network meeting will be held in Vennel Gardens sheltered housing complex on East Road on Thursday, October 31 from 10am to 11.30am.

There is no need to book in advance, simply turn up on the day.

On the day, everyone will be encouraged to participate in the council’s Budget Engagement survey as it is important for older residents to get involved.

To find out more about what is happening in your community, email your Locality team: