As we progress with the building of our new Wellbeing Café extension at our Barony St John Centre in Ardrossan, we have encountered a fair number of problems.

They include the re-routing of all the water supply and gas supply pipes, as well as the water outlet pipes, which need to run along the side of the new extension rather than underneath, as was allowed decades ago.

In fact, the only supply pipe that didn’t need diverted was the electricity cables as they were moved back in 2019 when the church building was initially sold.

This reminded me of an old annual report and accounts booklet from New Ardrossan Parish Church in 1909, which I found a few years ago.

The report gives a fascinating account of what you may know as the former Barony St John’s Church at the turn of the last century. Here is an extract:

Ardrossan and Saltcoats Herald:

The Kirk Session’s report is the record of a quiet and uneventful year in our congregational history. For many families the past year was a hard one, and we sincerely trust that more prosperous times are in store for all.

Notwithstanding the fact that there have been many removals from our midst, it is satisfactory that we are again in a position to report an increased membership.

On Roll at 31st December 1908 …. 839, Removed – By Death … 16, By Certificate .. 25,  Otherwise … 15. Total 56 = 783.

Admitted during 1909 – By Communicating for the first time … 40, By Certificate … 28, By Special Admission … 3. Total 71.

On Roll at 31st December 1909 ….. 854. Being an increase of 15 for the year.

It’s amazing to think that 854 people regularly attended the New Ardrossan Parish Church, which would become Barony St John’s Church, in 1909. That said, it was a far cry from the 1,200 parishioners who originally attended when the church first opened in 1844.

The Report goes on to say: “The introduction of incandescent light into the Church has been found a great improvement, and has added to the comfort of our evening congregation.”

When I first read this, I wondered if the church would have had gas lights throughout the building prior to the introduction of electricity in 1909 and how wonderful it was that, 110 years later in 2019, we would be re-routing this electricity into our hall building.

Now, another five years later, here we are re-routing all the other utilities to make way for yet another extension to the hall building, which started out as just a church hall, then had a corridor added with toilet facilities, then a smaller hall and kitchen.

I look forward to yet another chapter in the history of the now Barony St John Centre as our Wellbeing Café extension opens at the end of the year.

Until then, stay safe.